Profile photo for Nedra F. Johnson

Nedra F. Johnson

(INFJ Personality)…Counselor/Teacher/AuthorUpdated 8mo

RelatedWhy are good people being treated badly and bad person being treated nicely?

Perfect question.

Everything that a person does and says has everything to do with their character or mindset.

We need to understand that the saying is completely true that “birds of a feather flock together.”

Meaning: people with similar characteristic traits tend to enjoy associating with each other and blend better together; whether they are goodhearted, typical or bad people.

The only time there may be a difference is if there is (as happens sometimes)…someone in the friendship of two or more individuals, who has a uniquely strong personality, which happens to be a positive direction…

Did you know that a person like this can influence at least some of the group members in some way, shape or form in a meaningful way?…And most times the positive potential or possibilities will not generally be evidenced in the earlier stages of the friendship, but can be manifested later, in life.

Usually, in cases of this nature though, …(The positive character doesn’t generally stick around for prolonged periods of time…) Depending on the circumstance, they may, for a couple of weeks, months or even a couple of years and then at some point choose to discontinue the friendship.

Usually when this happens, it’s because their tolerance levels could no longer cope with the (various kinds of negativity) that had been encountered during the friendship.

What can then happen years later, however, is that a positive transformation can still be experienced by one or more of those same individuals who were their close friends.

Apart from exceptional cases of that nature, it is most definitely true, that people who possess similar characteristics, tend to naturally associate with each other and blend better.

However, stop for a moment! …While this is true, in many instances, there’s alot of hypocrisy happening among them, however blending still happens because of the psychological bond that they share of being similar in disposition.

Goodhearted people are generally not treated with the respect they deserve, unless they are fortunate enough to be among others who are similar in disposition. And it so happens, that goodhearted people are the rarest kinds in the world.

The reason why persons of questionable characters (bad people), tend to treat goodhearted people with such disdain and disrespect, is due to suspicion which stems directly from envy. Goodhearted people are considered an immediate threat and are viewed as fake and pretentious people, who are behaving as though they are righteous and better than everyone else. “Oh how could he or she be such a good person or have such a good heart?, they say, “They must be pretending!…For crying out loud!”

And that…(“gentle people”)… is where the long faces, the insolent attitudes and the disrespect begins.

Then there is a smaller group, who will treat goodhearted people with respect, because they are inspired and motivated by their good nature, who also have a yearning to aspire to those levels.

Having the knowledge, makes everything, so much clearer now.


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Trendy Matter

God never helped me with anything. Should I turn to Satan? – WRITER ON QUORA – NEDRA F. JOHNSON COMPOSED ANSWER TO ABOVE QUORA QUESTION…

Profile photo for Nedra F. Johnson

Nedra F. Johnson

(INFJ Personality)…Counselor/Teacher/AuthorUpdated 1y

Your frustration is quite clear and understood.

Yet you have to reflect carefully about what you say.

Is it really true that you have not gotten any form of goodness or been helped with anything in your life?


How old are you?…..…………………………………….(That’s the first blessing right there!)…………Each day we find ourselves awake and alive is God giving us a chance to get it right today………

Whether it’s a laptop, tablet, notebook or a phone, whether they belong to you or not, having had access to the device made it possible for you to have sent this message…….Another blessing.

You had to have internet access to have sent this post……..Another blessing.

You most likely are not visually impaired, or gone blind as, if you were, you would have had to ask someone else to type your message for you………Another blessing.

Are your mental faculties in tact?…Are you maintaining your reasoning skills?…(Sounds like you are.)…………..Another blessing.

Have you eaten since morning (even if it’s a tiny morsel of whatever it is)…. ………Some have nothing!!!…………….Another blessing.

And did you wake out of your bed or did you wake up from the ground or floor without an option?………………………………………………………………And even if you awoke from the ground or floor, due to living on the streets, (if you are) God kept you safe so you could live to see another day………..Another blessing.

All these are excellent reasons to be grateful. They might appear insignificant, because they are typical/normal, yet they are proof that God is sustaining you.

Its always important to be grateful for the simple things in life that too many take for granted. If you can find it within yourself to consider/remember them and be grateful, due to your gratitude, it would become so much easier for God to furnish you with great blessings because you would have proven that your’e indeed, worthy.

Now…if you’ve been grateful for all the above and you’re referring to the fact that your’e expecting significant help from God that you haven’t yet received, then it means you are being tested.

We all go through tests/trials/setbacks in life and depending on the way we handle them will determine whether we will become the victor or looser. It’s important to have strong faith in God as this will determine our effectiveness or strength in dealing with the situation.

Don’t loose hope. Keep your faith strong. If you hold steadfastly on to your faith, God will eventually reward you. Pray often as this helps strengthen your connection.

It will never be wise to turn in the direction of the devil, because it would be morally wrong for your souls salvation, you’d eventually be lost, with no hope of return and even if you do and become successful, it will only be temporary, because you didn’t get it from the right source which is from God.

(Temporary in two ways…In the sense that you may only possess that wealth for a specific time frame in your life, with unexpected things following some time after or you may have the riches for the rest of your life, but still be doomed to damnation on the Day of Judgement which is sooner than many realize.)

And to further confirm that fact, remember God reminds us in Scripture…”What would it profit a man to gain the whole world (enormous wealth-) and loose his soul?”… (Losing one’s soul means….Damned to the hellfire for good.)…..

I’m sure you wouldn’t want to be in that position!

So be careful in all decisions. Be wise and wait on God because He careth for you, much more than you can ever imagine.


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Why do bad people seem to have a lot of people on their side and the good ones barely have anyone?

Profile photo for Nedra F. Johnson

Nedra F. Johnson

(INFJ Personality)…Counselor/Teacher/AuthorUpdated Jul 1

This is such an excellent question.

And you better believe that that’s the straight facts.

Unfortunately, this is exactly how it works; though it should be the other way around. It is certainly not a nice place for anyone to be and l wouldn’t even wish it on my worst enemy, because everyday l’d be concerned about how or if they’re able to retire/rest at night!

This is a very harsh and serious reality that goodhearted people in this world have to face. The main reason, however, is, because humankind has unfortunately, become selfish and heartless beings, due to a wide variety of influences including materialism, socialization that entails certain cultural habits or practices as well as other external influences most of which aren’t easily avoided unless specific effort is made to do so.

Many seek to gain popularity by engaging in wrongful and illicit deeds, where It’s no longer right to do the right thing; yet it’s right to do the wrong thing. If you’re a genuine, nice and principled individual, you’re considered the odd, strange and stupid individual who’s gone nuts and sometimes they’re seen as evil people who are pretending to be what they are not!!!- (and this is shockingly true!) while the rude, loud and disrespectful one is applauded and seen as the star of the show. Yet, this kind of lifestyle, once continued, if they desist from praying and asking for forgiveness, and change their evil ways, will ultimately lead them on the path of damnation/hellfire.

Though the struggle is intensely challenging for the goodhearted, they must bear in mind that they are being tested and should make every effort to strive in maintaining who they are and God will give them the strength they need to make it through, which will lead them on the path, to be richly rewarded one day.

Yet, we still need to remember to pray for each other as we’re all on varying spiritual levels. We’re all evolving daily and the hope and aim should be that our desire is to improve upon who we are. It is this kind of genuine approach that we take on ourselves which will/can pave the way for the possibility of change.

Here’s a quote l wrote in February, 2018 which clearly expresses the truth.

“If you are truly evil; you’ll never truly be able to appreciate anything or anyone who is goodhearted.” Nedra F. Johnson


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QUORA RELATIONSHIP QUESTION answered. – If an ex suddenly reaches out after 10-15 years and youre happily married, should you ignore them?…(Quora rating at end)

Nedra F. Johnson, studied Advanced Diploma in Counselling at United Theological College of the West IndiesUpdated Sat

If an ex suddenly reaches out after 10 – 15 years and you’re happily married, should you ignore them?

Actually, your answer is already in your question. You said You’re happily married. In that case, even moreso you should ensure that it remains that way. Your ex showing up at this time “Trust Me”, is most likely a temptation from evil forces that wish to ruin your relationship. Desist from giving them an opportunity they’ll enjoy. Anything to cause depression and woe they’re down/all for that.

And if you give in to him you run the risk of serious regret as you know not what awaits you. It is a fact that most people never change from who they are but the few that do either tend to strengthen in either a positive or negative way.


(Two other interesting points to note is that too often; people have met upon serial killers and have not lived to tell the tale.

Therefore for your own safety, never yield to temptation.

And furthermore; as a married woman; it would be wrong for you to be entering into an entanglement as we are cognizant of where that can lead.)


Now; he may genuinely be going through a challenging time in his life and may believe that you’re the perfect person to guide him through that process with the hope of reuniting the sparks again, or may simply have you on his mind, however he needs to be told in a polite and decent manner that you are not available.

After doing so, let him know you hope he’ll eventually find a partner and you wish him all the best. (Don’t encourage a long conversation either) Pray for strength to do the right thing. Be strong.

You have in your present relationship what many continue to yearn for. Don’t risk what you have. Be wise.

As of FEBRUARY 13, 2023 STATUS of this Question on QUORA.com is: 40.1K views View 48  upvotes


What was my experience?

I was sitting at the dining room table on my laptop. All of a sudden the floor began to shake ; I wondered at first if it was real or if my mind was playing tricks on me. But then I noticed the shaking did not stop, but proceeded to shake more profusely, as if trying to say “This is not a joke, the ground is truly shaking with you now.”

I got up and anxiously began to look around; trying to recall what I had read somewhere that would have been the best place to be during an earthquake. But then remembered my son was in his room down the hallway. I then proceeded to walk quickly towards his room. (While the sound of shattered glass pierced the air!) I knocked, then opened the door. I called him and asked anxiously, “An earthquake, are you feeling it? By this time, the earthquake had begun to subside. He quickly got up and responded “ Yes Mommy, I was feeling it.”

By the time he said the words “Yes Mommy!”, the ground had stopped shaking.

I suddenly felt an anxiously nervous effect, which remained for around two (2) hours. “It was a mind blowing experience,” which was all my mind continued to ruminate.

Can you just imagine the ground shaking under your feet and there’s nothing you can do except to have your eyes glued to the floor/ground until hopefully it goes away, while still hoping you’re still alive?

It also happened that a light aftershock happened later during the day.

Though the earthquake had not caused significant damage to the island, it is my firm belief that if it shook for five (5) seconds longer the results would have been catastrophic.

Thereafter, the news reports began to shed light on the extent of the damage across the island, of which was minimal, however catastrophic for some, as they lost their homes. A fridge turned upside down in one home and some supermarket shelves were rid of their burdens to the floor, while people began to chant aloud that the earthquake is a warning and that God is coming back for His world and people should get ready and change their wicked ways. Many establishments, including schools were closed for the rest of the day including the day after.

That earthquake is one we’ll always remember and even more so because God kept us all alive to tell the tale.

Yet; we must never take that warning for granted; as that was another chance God has given us, as a reminder of the importance of setting our priorities right and turn to Him before it is too late.

Indeed; we have so much to thank God for, as it could have been worse.

Nedra F. Johnson

Envy versus GoodnesS-HOW DoES iT WORK?

Nedra F. Johnson

March 14 at 6:50 PM · 

UPDATED: June 6, 2021

Life’s Realities…

We are living in an interesting world with people who have varying personalities and mindset. Most of us, regardless of whether we possess good characteristic traits or are in need of serious transformation, are quite comfortable with who we are. Then, there are those, who conscientiously spend time working on developing a good character. There are others who are naturally blessed with a good and genuine heart, who have no time and no space in their minds, to be envious of others. This is so because their time is focused on evolving into better people, while making the effort to make a positive difference in the lives of others.


Through personal experiences and observations over the years has led me to discover that people who possess personalities that are highly critical, cynical and judgmental, generally tend to be more capable of harboring feelings of envy for others. It is moreso increased if they happen to cross paths with truly genuine and good hearted people, because they believe that they are engaged in a pretentious lifestyle, because they believe that they are superior to everyone else. This is an inaccurate perception, because in the first place, it should be known, that no one is perfect. It is also a fact, that we are all blessed with varying temperaments and characteristic traits which define who we are, therefore there will always leave room for a wide mixture of personalities.

Therefore, when the entertainers of envious traits, try to trick and soothe themselves into believing that the good hearted individuals are imposters, it is they who are mistaken. The truth is that, they are the ones, who tend to feel threatened, because of challenges in accepting the fact that there are those who are committed to maintaining a disciplined mindset, character and attitude which happens to clearly define, God’s expectations of them. Therefore, because their spiritual levels are on an unpredictable path, it becomes a psychological warfare, which feeds into the pretentious game, of their minds, which in many instances, can cause them to lash out and demonstrate unexpectedly bizarre or horrific behaviors, toward the goodhearted. This, they find, is the only way that they can hope to gain power within themselves.


Despite the levels of unorthodox behaviors that goodhearted people may encounter, they, surprisingly, tend to still have genuine intentions, goodwill and love towards all. Their negative experiences pave the way for high levels of disappointment, however, they don’t entertain hurtful emotions to the extent, where it transforms itself into hatred or revenge, (which usually is the most typical reaction by many,) yet, their experiences help to propel them towards the path of becoming stronger and better people.

Goodhearted people generally will reach out from time to time, even to those who’ve wronged them, simply because they rather peace over conflict. Guiding those who are willing to listen and learn is always a strong motivating factor for them.


Life would certainly be a beautiful experience, if more of us could first, be willing enough to try to understand each other, which would make it so much easier to get along. We would certainly experience what true unity, love and happiness is, instead of harboring grudges and envy for whatever the occasion. It’s such a pity however, that certain types of personalities, sometimes prevent that possibility from becoming a reality.

However, though it might feel like a challenge, whenever we’re exposed to difficult personalities, we should try not to allow it to prevent us from reaching out from time to time with a smile, to say a kind word or demonstrate a goodly deed, as this can be a beautiful experience for all involved. Sometimes one can never tell how their timely intervention may positively influence one’s mood or brighten one’s day. If more of us were to make an effort in this direction, the world would truly be a captivating inspiration to wake up to, each and every single day. Yet, we have to live with hope in our hearts, that God will intervene with His infinite power and make life beautiful and better someday, whether it be here on earth, or in paradise.

smiling girl wearing blue denim jacket outdoor

Nedra F. Johnson.

Nedra F. Johnson


Alchohol is a dangerous drink which causes problems for your body from your very first sip. It can also be found in scripture that it should not be consumed. But, how many actually adhere to that warning. The liver is an important organ which continuously works on removing harmful substances from your body. When alchohol is introduced, it causes severe complications and interferes with that process by causing other problems to happen.

Here are some deadly and dangerous effects of alchohol on the body.

  1. Shrinking Brain
  2. Behaviour changes
  3. Blackouts
  4. Constant tiredness
  5. Slurred speech
  6. Diabetes complications
  7. Heart damage
  8. Frequent diarrhea
  9. Infertility
  10. Cancer
  11. Thinning Bones
  12. Birth defects
  13. Numbness
  14. Lung infections
  15. Stomach discomfort

Here are 3 deadly effects of alchohol on the body during pregnancy.

  1. Premature birth – child being born too early
  2. Stillbirth – child born dead
  3. Birth defects

Here are 3 deadly effects of alchohol on children born of alchoholic parents.

  1. The child can develop severe and deranged mental issues and can run the risk of becoming a cold blooded murderer as they are functioning from a distorted mind. (This has happened in several instances in many families to children who’ve become adults who practice this criminalistic way of life) In fact many of the criminals we hear of today had hard core alchoholic parents!
  2. The child can become a drug/severe addict.
  3. Being shorter or having a smaller head than their peers.

Sometimes life’s stresses may prevent some of us from focusing and realizing where our focus should be. Therefore, for those pregnant women who probably aren’t even aware that they are consuming too much in the first place or causing harm to their unborn child/children, the time to listen is now. Alchohol is truly unhealthy for many reasons and should be completely discouraged, prohibited and deleted from your diet. Yes, it will be challenging at first; however, the focus should be centered on what the long term benefits are. When this happens, you’ll create for yourself a healthier mind, a healthier body and a healthier lifestyle which will ultimately resonate into a better you.

Nedra F. Johnson.

DO YOU POSSESS THE 12 STRONGEST TRAITS OF A GENUINE PERSON? The Rarest Personality Type in the world.


Genuine people love and respect others; regardless of who they are.” Nedra F. Johnson

The first question may rightly be: How does someone know who a genuine person is ? It is an even larger fact that genuine people are very rare these days; therefore, if you come to know one, it would be a good idea to value their friendship. It is quiet difficult at the outset to determine who is genuine, simply because some people demonstrate a nice and friendly attitude and may have genuine intentions at the time, which is good, but are not necessarily genuine people by character. Genuineness goes far deeper than just having a nice attitude. In fact genuine people are not necessarily always friendly people, but are indeed very polite, respectful and pleasant. One will find that the most outstanding trait of a genuine person is having an intensely respectful character.

Genuine people tend to listen more than speaking, as they are more interested in the concerns of others. They enjoy engaging in conversations that are highly stimulating, as there will always be important lessons to be gained throughout. When in a group discussion, they are not necessarily quick to participate but will spend more time observing and listening before giving a well advised input. In public, they at times appear reserved, however that’s their way of understanding the environment and the people with whom they are surrounded. Though many genuine people master the art of being loners, it is mainly for the purpose of reflection, as they are deep thinkers who like to figure out the psychology of life, others, themselves including the best approach to life situations.

Genuine people are deeply sincere in their love for others which is the reason they can love anyone and everyone unconditionally. Their main focus is on the fact that we are all human beings and require respect. Therefore, they understand that they are here on this earth for a given time, so they make every effort to live their lives in a clean and sincere way so that others will be comfortable while in their presence. Their aim is always to seek ways in which they can be of benefit to another individual with no interest in collecting or receiving anything in return, because their concern is on the human and not what they possess. Genuine persons feel gratified in demonstrating concern for others and will even go as far as depriving themselves just to make someone else happy because that is what makes them feel most accomplished.

Too often, because of the beautiful character of the genuine person, they are taken advantage of. This causes them to feel as though their efforts are in vain or as though they are not appreciated. When faced however with that circumstance, they should with diplomacy, try to leave the situation and make an effort in the future in learning how to strike a balance in their caring attitude toward others so they will run less risk in being disadvantaged. In scripture we are reminded also that we should be balanced in all we do so that we won’t feel overwhelmed or burdened.

The top twelve traits of a genuine person are:

  1. Intellectual or striving to become
  2. Straightforward by nature and will not be a hypocrite, yet very diplomatic with the way they convey their thoughts to others and will not have hard feelings after.
  3. Pleasant personality yet more serious minded
  4. Very respectful
  5. Very observant to someone else’s needs regardless of what it is or how small it is
  6. Very caring and true to their word
  7. Very diplomatic in all they do, truthful, honest and dependable
  8. Very kind
  9. Very considerate of others
  10. Very detailed and meticulous especially when solving problems
  11. Non-judgemental personality and rather give the benefit of the doubt instead of tearing down another individual.
  12. Always happy for others when positive things happen for them while continuously encouraging them and genuinely wishing the best for everyone else

Nedra F. Johnson



Flaxseed is a tiny brown seed, which has lots of fibre and numerous benefits. Once you are consuming it, it literally searches, corrects and heals problems in your body. It is extremely effective in treating/healing CANCER related issues in the fastest time possible and can heal almost any ailment quicker than you can imagine.

Some of the ailments and diseases that flaxseed heals are as follows:

Cancer on any part of the body

Diabetes – as it lowers insulin levels and normalizes your body function.

Shrinks fibroids

Shrinks hemorroids,

Cures asthma

Eradicates persistent pain anywhere on the body

Erectile dysfunction

Helps to release urine flow

Helps stress levels to be normalized

Tones your skin

Aids in weight loss

Great appetite reducer

High levels of omega 3

Menstral issues – it enables less blood flow

Reduces fever within a short time

Relieves diarrhoea and constipation

There is a particular method in taking the flaxseed. Because it is a very powerful herb one has to be certain that it is being taken within the correct dosage and not overdone. It is always advisable to introduce the flaxseed in a gradual way to the stomach to ensure that it reacts effectively with your body. The best way to take it would be to take one flat teaspoon of grounded flaxseed with one cup of water in the morning just before your first meal and again in the evening for the first week. (The best time to consume the flaxseed is between the hours of 6:00 am. – 8:00 a.m. and the same time is best in the evening) Some people may find that they may have a bowel movement between the first 2 – 4 hours. So ensure that wherever you are that a restroom is available. For others, if the bowel movement doesn’t happen in the first day it will beyond a shadow of a doubt happen within a few days. However, there is no need to be alarmed as this means that the flaxseed has already begun to start the cleansing process in your body. You can continue to consume it this way, as long as it’s for health purposes.

lf you’re interested in taking the flaxseed for weight loss purposes, you can then increase it to two flat tablespoons, with two glasses of water in the morning and again in the evening. You must first however observe the sequence above by slowly introducing it to your body and observing how it reacts. For many weight loss is generally evidenced by the second or third week. During this time however, try to be cautious about your diet in terms of consuming half of what you generally would, in any one setting. And try to focus on having them earlier during the day/morning so that the calories have a difficult chance to add up for that day. If you practice this it will be a lot easier for you to attain your weight loss goals.

After achieving your desired weight loss goal, you can then return to one teaspoon or tablespoon per day with one glass/cup of water. Whichever dosage that works best for you will be useful, as this will ensure your body’s healthy maintenance.

This is what flaxseed looks like when it is grounded.

If you are interested in ordering flaxseed: You can order the flaxseeds directly from me or you can order it in grounded form which I’ll prepare for you at an extra cost (within reason). I live in Jamaica, West Indies. Kindly ensure that you store it in the fridge to maintain its potency and freshness. SERIOUS Enquiries only. My email address is motivatenow7@yahoomail.com. and my contact number is 1-876-776-2178.

Nedra F. Johnson





The Life Path of the Good and Evil

“lf you are truly evil, you’ll never truly be able to appreciate anything or anyone who is goodhearted.” Nedra F. Johnson

People who are evil tend to consistently criticize, make poisonous remarks, curse and harbor hatred and envy for and towards those who conduct themselves in an exemplified manner. This happens, because they believe that they are pretending to be perfect, when in fact, they are only trying to live right, because it is natural to them and most importantly, because they value God’s expectations. ln the mind of the evil ones, they are seen as a direct threat to their existence, therefore will never be able to appreciate them for their efforts.

Principled persons who make an effort to live in a righteous manner, will always find that the only persons who truly appreciate them are those who are like minded, or a smaller minority which include those who are impressed by their conduct; of which they demonstrate through respectful attitudes.

People who are evil in character tend to lack gratitude for anything done on their behalf or whatever they receive, because they believe more than half of the world is obligated to them.

Therefore; whenever we come across persons who don’t demonstrate gratitude for things we’ve done for them, we don’t need to be baffled. In this life, anything we do or don’t, boils down to character; who we are inside. Yet, we can still pray for each other because we’re on varying spiritual levels and it’s up to us to decide whether we choose to improve upon ourselves or pursue the right path or not.

Nedra F. Johnson


